The sneaky southern hemisphere winter snuck up on me while I was working too hard and not taking care of myself properly; so now I have a super-dodgy flu and have been lying around watching movies and snuggling the Weenie Mutt for what feels like forever, but is only two days. 
Luckily I was hyper productive in the weeks before, so I can share all these sketchbook out-takes and musings with you, not to mention a whole wall of artwork on display over at Southset Gallery in Moorabbin. 
Get down there if you're in Melbourne -- the show is up until the end of May... plus we're running a kind of laid-back artist workshop, where I'll take you through some creative processes and techniques, different materials, ideas and how to develop them, as well as a few little tricks and tips I wish people had told me early on.
If you're interested, sign up here.  
 After that, I'm turning back into a little art hermit and keeping everything between the pages of my sketchbooks for a while. Oh, and if you can't make it down to Southset, some of the artworks are available for purchase online here.