Sketchy Fridays (but Saturdays, really)

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Alright, so it's the second week and I already missed actually posting this on a Friday. Which pretty much sums up why I never make resolutions, but rather try and sneak in lifestyle and habit changes gradually, so I don't notice. Which makes no sense, but sometimes I can trick myself into excellent things like quitting smoking or drawing every day. So, in the words of HST, whatever's right.

But anyway, here it is... my sketchbook this week is full of work, work, work. There's maybe one personal, for-fun drawing among them, and it's probably the one I like least... which says a lot about drawing for work and how it makes you push yourself, and even more about how very, very quiet my social life currently is.

Also, my excuse. That strange alien being of cuteness pictured above arrived yesterday evening, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is my excuse for failing at a resolve only two weeks in.
By all accounts, I'd say she's a good excuse.

Raych x